Hight asset efficiency, profitability and performance

Predictive analytics for wind asset monitoring

Horizon Gemini’s Predictive module utilizes AI algorithms, backed by domain expertise, to detect anomalies in CMS vibration and spectra data and in
SCADA data.

Advanced analytics for solar asset monitoring

Horizon Gemini’s advanced analytics module automatically detects
under-performance, downtime, and other issues to enhance asset performance, reliability and profitability.

  • Enhanced asset lifespan and performance
  • Increased dependability and efficiency
  • Improved operational efficiency
  • Improved cost reduction

Predictive analytics for wind asset monitoring

The neural network (AI) is “trained” with the data that was received, and “learns” what a normal operation modus is.
Anomalies can then be detected against this “normal” situation using the developed algorithms if a system or customer-defined threshold is exceeded.

Advanced analytics for solar asset monitoring

Compare main KPIs

The algorithm calculates the actual production vs predicted and theoretical ratios, considering weather corrections and multiple loss categories, to identify the primary cause of lower production.


The Investor Performance Index compares the actual production to your original budget, allowing you to assess and follow up your ROI.


The Operational Performance Index measures the difference between actual production and theoretical production, to assess losses resulting from operational issues.


Track the availability of all devices to detect potential improvement of operational tasks.

Is Gemini´s predictive analytics module the right tool for your wind portfolio?

Horizon Gemini’s Predictive module has effectively identified potential damages early, resulting in substantial cost savings for clients.